Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Do Not Be Sorrowful or Afraid If You Are Suffering from a Disease

Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on April 7, 2024


My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Your Merciful Jesus sheds both His Blood and water from His Sacred Heart to renew and rebuild you into the radiance and beauty of His Light. He recreates by healing the sorrows of your hearts and replaces those sorrows with gifts of His Trust, Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. Rejoice for this is a wonderous day of Mercy for the entire world, for all who desire, will receive. All who do not desire to receive will lose even the little they have.

My dear children during this uprising time of vigilance, you must be willing to be spiritually renewed to receive grace and virtues. You are being given great gifts from My Son, who as your Sorrowful Mother, pleaded for you on your behalf. You are not alone. God is always with you not only on occasion. He is with you ALL the time. You have many avenues and vessels of Love. Pay attention and you will see just how much God loves you. You are the miracles of Love and Joy.

Some of My children believe that God has forgotten them because they are suffering from diseases of all sorts. This is not true. God has not forgotten you. Do not be sorrowful or afraid if you are suffering from a disease. Jesus is not punishing you. Call on Him and you will feel how close He is to you. Jesus performs miracles through all situations and circumstances.

The world will become a most beautiful peaceful one, emptied of evil, and flourishing with happiness, well-being, and peace.

I love you, dear children. Pray, pray, and continue to pray. There is so much good that awaits you even though you may need to live a period of devastation as evils are destroyed.

Be strong. I am with you. The Angels are protecting you. The Holy Spirit is guiding you. My Son is with you. God the Father is with you.

Be at peace within My Immaculate Heart.

Ad Deum

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